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What’s Worse : Vaping vs Smoking Cigarettes

What’s Worse : Vaping vs Smoking Cigarettes

Afifah Tahir |

Governments around the world have made many people wonder about the status of vaping. They seem to be more supportive of the tobacco industry compared to vaping. Cigarettes can be sold openly without any problem from authorities while vaping is like a drug that cannot be advertised. 

Today we will not talk about the vape scene in general, but we will focus on what’s worse between vaping and smoking cigarettes. 

Vaping 95% Safer Than Smoking!

Image by https://www.cnbc.com/2019/10/07/e-cigarettes-cause-lung-cancer-in-mice-finds-first-study-tying-vaping-to-cancer.html
Image by CNBC

Professor John Britton says that E cigarettes are the first genuinely new way of helping people to quit smoking that has come along in decades.  Recent studies in an Oxford Journal peer-reviewed publication, Nicotine and Tobacco Research, E Cigarettes could decrease a smokers death rate by 21%. 

The Royal College have stated that vaping is at least 95% safer than smoking based on their extensive research. Since there’s no combustion, tar or ash associated with vaping, switching to it from smoking enables the user to experience health benefits from being smoke-free. That means better oral hygiene, skin health, circulation, lung capacity and an improved sense of smell and taste.

One of the biggest advantages of vaping is that you and your environment won’t smell of smoke. Vaping may have an aroma from the flavors used, but it’s not the smoke from dead tobacco leaves! To some people, the smell of vapor is barely noticeable. Sometimes you might even get a few compliments on the aroma. Even if you vape tobacco flavors, it won’t smell like the horrible fumes that come from burning tobacco leaves. 

No Yellowish Teeth For Vapers

Image by vapetime

Smoking cigarettes damages your teeth in various ways, the worst being the way it shuts down your mouth’s ability to efficiently deal with infection. However, vaping doesn’t produce any particulate matter, meaning bacteria is less likely to be produced.

Nicotine and tar makes teeth yellowish, how about vaping without both of it? It’s up to you how much nicotine you choose to have. It seems less likely that your teeth would stain. Simply put, the greater your intake of nicotine, the more susceptible your teeth are to staining. 

How Does Smoking Cigarettes Affect Health?

Image by Bustle

According to American Cancer Society smoking shortens lifespan by about 12 years in male and 11 years in females. It is because tobacco contains poisonous chemicals such as carbon monoxide and tar that will impact every part of your body in the long term. Not only your lungs, smoking will affect your brain, heart, bones, mouth and immune system. 

For example, the chances of getting stroke are higher and two to four times more; can cause brain damage and death. Nicotine causes blood vessels to tighten, which restricts the flow of blood that damages your entire cardiovascular system.

Thus, smoking increases the risk of mouth, throat, larynx, and esophagus cancer. Smokers also have higher rates of pancreatic cancer. Even people who “smoke but don’t inhale” face an increased risk of mouth cancer. A person who smokes may experience prematurely aged, wrinkled skin and a higher risk of skin cancer, “especially on the lips.”

Cancer Kills Smokers

Image of Barb Tarbox by Edmond Journal

People smoke for nicotine but die because of tar. Tar is the main cause of small cell and non-small cell lung cancer and contributes to 80 percent and 90 percent of lung cancer deaths in women and men, respectively. Men who smoke are 23 times more likely to develop lung cancer. 9 out of 10 lung cancer deaths are caused by smoking cigarettes. 

The body’s immune system is weakened by the poison in cigarettes, making it harder to kill cancer cells. Cancer cells will keep growing without being stopped. Lung cancer still kills more smokers than other types of cancer even with a better treatment that is provided. 

According to the Centers For Disease Control and Prevention, smokers have a greater risk for lung cancer today than in 1964 because of the changes in how cigarettes are made and what chemicals they contain.  

Second hand Smoke - High Potential To Get Cancer

Image by Tsunagu Japan

Cancer also kills nonsmokers who have a 20 to 30 percent greater chance of developing lung cancer if they are exposed to secondhand smoke at home or work. 

An average of 130,659 Americans (74,300 men and 56,359 women) died of smoking-attributable lung cancer each year between 2005 and 2010. Exposure to secondhand smoker causes approximately 7,330 lung cancer deaths among nonsmokers every year. 

This brief exposure probably isn’t a huge deal, but second hand vape aerosol (the “smoke” from vaping) is definitely a thing, even if it smells like candy. It’s not clear how harmful secondhand vaping is since vaping is still relatively new. Its long-term effects are still being investigated.

What you need to know is that vape aerosol contains a number of harmful substances, including:




Vaping Causes Popcorn Lung?!

Image by Vaping Media

Diacetyl is an organic compound used widely as flavoring in the food industry that is the leading cause of popcorn lung. How much Diacetyl is too much?

Some eliquids do contain a small amount of Diacetyl and some do not have it at all; which is different from cigarettes that contain 100 to 750 times of Diacetyl more than vape. People who smoke cigarettes probably inhale 100 times more Diacetyl than people who vape.  

Besides that, no vaper or smoker have ever been diagnosed with popcorn lung. It is possible some smokers with certain conditions have been misdiagnosed with this type of lung disease. In any case, the majority of the brewers in the vaping industry have moved away from flavourings that contain Diacetyl years ago.

Control Your Nicotine Level 

Image by vapor4life

Nicotine is an addictive drug and can cause withdrawal symptoms when a person stops using it. These symptoms include cravings, increased appetite, and irritability. Cravings and other effects typically subside over time. 

Vaping gives you full control over your nicotine dosage. E-juice is available in a variety of strengths, ranging from nicotine-free to high-strength nicotine. You can choose exactly how much nicotine is in your vape, if you decide to use any at all. Most vapers tend to start off with high nicotine levels, and gradually work their way down to lower levels, or eliminate it completely.

We can control nicotine levels for vape but for cigarettes is a big NO! According to Penn State University, there is between 0.65 and 1 gram of tobacco in an average cigarette which includes somewhere between 7.5 and 13.4 of nicotine. 

Great Choice, Happy Wallet!

Image by Slide Share

Who doesn't like it when their wallets are full with notes! The question is which one is cheaper between vaping or smoking? We know the government charges tax for cigarettes and also vape (device & e-juice). 

For example in America, they charge 16.5% for cigarettes and 15%  for wholesale tax on all vaping products. Furthermore, the cost of buying a vaping device will be more expensive than buying a pack of smokes. But you can use your e-cigarette for the long term compared to a pack of smokes.  

The prices are dependent on the size of an e-juice bottle and quality of e-juice. Price range for e-cigarettes are from $1 to $60 and bottles of e-juice range from $10 to $30. Vape juice consumption affects how often you buy ejuice as well as the maintenance costs of your device. The more e-liquid you consume, you will have to purchase coils more frequently (unless you build your own coils which is a huge money saver).

Switching to vaping can save you up to 92% if you smoke a pack a day. However, there are cases when vaping can cost more than smoking.

Image by Ruthless Vaper

Some people believe that vaping is a great alternative to quit smoking, unfortunately Harvard Health Publishing points out that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not approved it. 

The idea behind vaping was that it would be a safer way for smokers to get nicotine even though the data on the long-term effects of vaping are currently limited.  

We are sure by reading all the information that is given, you can make your own choice on who wins this war. 

At least vaping is a lot safer than smoking. Light up your vape for better health.